Monday, January 30, 2012

Book Review III Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

First off I liked this book. A psuedohistory or a docu-drama it is the story of how the former President was in fact one of the leading vampire hunters who working with good vampires fought the Civil War to help rid America of vampires before it became a vampire nation.

Now some people may have a problem with Abe as Buffy and his Angel partner but you just have to go with the story. One thing people may have a problem with is that several deaths in Abe's family are blamed on vampires including his own. This distortion on real deaths might be considered sacriligous but is necessary to the story.

Did enjoy the footnotes and the many true events in that I did not know about which it related. The author really did his homework on this one. Try it out and see what you think.

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