Monday, December 26, 2011

Day After Christmas

Well made it through another one. First fun thing was Tammy and I got each other the same gift. What do you do with two three crock pot heaters? Give one away of course. Spent most of the day hanging out and wasting time. Didn't write but fixing that now. Did make three different kinds of soup so now have something to eat for a few days.

Bummer of the day was when I spent most of the day watching the Doctor Who marathon. Finally got up to the episode I missed due to a fire call and Wham had another one. Well first it was the blackout but that was caused by the SUV taking out the power pole. Confusion for a bit and then boredom as we sat around waiting for the police to investigate. Did have some fun helping the police with traffic control and checking for seat belt compliance. People really need to buckle up would have helped the guys in the accident.

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